Name Audio file
RSR Walt Brown on subduction 2013.mp3
RSR Walt Brown talks about the Grand Canyon 2011.mp3
RSR Walt Brown on TransNeptunian Objects 2014.mp3
RSR Walt Brown says asteroid challenges naturalism 2014.mp3
RSR Walt Brown talks about limestone 2011.mp3
RSR Walt Brown on comets 2015.mp3
RSR Did it rain before the Flood part 1_2017.mp3
RSR Did it rain before the Flood part 2_2017.mp3
RSR Did it rain before the Flood part 3_2017.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 1.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 2 Josh Spencer part 2.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 3 Josh Spencer.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 4.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 5 Kevin Lea Geometry.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 6 Kevin Lea Pacific.mp3
Hydroplate Objections 7 Bryan Nickel linear crack.mp3
RSR animator of fountains clip.mp3
RSR Jane Albright part 1.mp3
RSR Jane Albright part 2.mp3
RSR Jane Albright part 3.mp3