
NOTE: The conference is history now. This page is archived for historical purposes. Thanks to those who attended and participated!
You can still see the presentations! We are still getting the recordings online in this page. Some are here now. Check back here soon to get more links to the videos.
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If you missed any of these sessions, we will try to post them archived videos on this website after the conference is over. as quickly as possible, but it might take a few days to get them posted. (You can download the speaker's notes at any time. This would also be a good way to catch up.)
Brian will do a quick overview of what is in the Hydroplate Theory section of Dr. Walt Brown’s book “In The Beginning; Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood.” This will be a great help to those who are new to the theory. (If you miss this talk, please make sure you catch the first session on Friday (Initial Conditions), and the “Horror of the Flood” video on Saturday.) Even those already familiar with HPT will enjoy this overview and Brian’s enthusiasm for how well the theory dovetails with what we read in the Bible. (Brian will be our emcee for the rest of the event.) If you are unable to join us for this evening's presentation, you can view a pre-recorded version using this link:
HPT makes some assumptions about the pre-Flood conditions of the earth, the moon, and the solar system. Every theory has assumptions underlying it, and in this session we’ll take a close look at those of HPT. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OUTLINE Click here for extra page of color images
This session is designed for those who already have some familiarity with HPT. Harold will propose a potential solution for the formation of land produced during Creation week, taking into account the water that HPT assumes was below the crust. Gravity’s distribution along Earth’s latitude influences the formation of land that is biased around the equator. The amount of land that rises above sea level depends almost exclusively on the ratio of the water volume below the firmament to the water volume above it. Land biased around the equator matches many aspects of the pre-flood world and has many benefits for life to flourish.
This session will go over some of the important facets of the Dr. Brown’s chapter on how our current oceans formed, and where all the Flood water went. The surface of the ocean floor has many strange features that are best explained by a bulging mantle and by sliding hydroplates.
This session will focus on HPT’s suggested solution for the problems associate with limestone formation. Much of the world’s limestone appears to be inorganic, but other theories don’t have adequate mechanisms for producing limestone without releasing vast volumes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and oceans. One of the mechanisms that might have been involved in creating not only limestone but also other sedimentary strata was liquefaction. (Other forces and mechanisms were also likely involved in forming the strata, but we will only have time to look at liquefaction in this session.)
Click this link to download the e-book: Exploring the Mysteries of Limestone with HP”
This professional quality video will take you on location to the Grand Canyon to experience an overview of Dr. Brown’s amazing explanation for some of the most enigmatic features found in this part of the country. If you enjoy this video, please consider purchasing a copy at This will help Mike Snavely continue to make fabulous creation science videos. PLEASE DO NOT RECORD THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION, AS IT IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL.
This session will provide an overview of Dr. Brown’s chapter on a possible origin of continental radioactivity. Dr. Spencer is the person who introduced Dr. Brown to this area of research, so who better to lead this session?! We’ll find out some possible reasons why radioactivity in the earth’s crust is preferentially found in granite, and is most concentrated in areas that have experienced much compression. This talk will be targeted to a general audience (no previous knowledge required) but those who have experience in this area of science are welcome to come with good questions for the Q&A. Questions from those with nuclear science or chemistry backgrounds will be prioritized.
This video presentation is another chance to get the big picture of HPT, as host Mike Snavely summarizes the HPT theory of what caused the global flood--where all the water came from, and then where it all went. He makes use of professional graphics and animations to show the mechanisms Dr. Brown wrote about in his book. If you enjoy the video, consider purchasing a copy at Mike’s website: PLEASE DO NOT RECORD THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION AS IT IS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL.
Fred has years of experience working with computer modeling, so his thoughts on this topic carry a lot of weight. He will share with us the dangers of basing a flood theory (or any geophysical theory) almost entirely on a computer model, and explain to us why this is so. (The favored flood model of the major creation groups relies heavily on one computer model.)
This session will be a summary of a new book titled “20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics.” There are actually many more than 20 reasons, but we’ll hit the major ones in this session. The push-back to PT started in the early 1970s, right after PT was formulated, but mainstream geology has managed to marginalize and cancel the objectors. However, with the Internet, this information is becoming more available and the number of objectors is growing. (Be forewarned that some well-known and beloved creation scientists are among those who won’t open their eyes to these obvious problems.) You will receive a free digital copy of this book as part of this session. Click here to download the e-book "20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics" (Paperback copies are available through most online book sellers.)
You will enjoy this brief guided tour through the solar system as we learn what comets and asteroids are made of and see the interesting characteristics of their orbits. Astronomers are shocked whenever new data about these celestial bodies comes in, but HPT advocates are not at all surprised. The new data usually aligns very well with what HPT predicts. Comets and asteroids provide amazing evidence that the fountains of the great deep really did spew water and debris into space.
The moon has many mysterious features that astronomers struggle to explain. If Dr. Brown is reasonably correct in his assertions that debris from the earth hit the moon, many of these features can be accounted for. Doug will discuss some of the major features of both the near side and far side of the moon and explain how the fountains of the great deep might have helped to create them. HPT advocates were excited when, several years ago, astronomers announced that they had found the “oldest earth rock ever recorded”-- on the moon! How can this be? HPT has answers!
Dr. Brown is well qualified to address this topic, having published papers about TNOs in prestigious professional journals. He will do an overview of what TNOs are, discuss the strange particulars about their orbits, and then show us how this information fits with HPT’s idea about what happened to much of the water and rock debris that was launched from the earth. Astronomers might be surprised at the data about TNOs coming in from research satellites, but HPT advocates are not.
Have a question from any previous session that we did not have time to answer? A new question? In this session we will have several panelists who can hopefully provide you with an answer, or at least explain why we don’t know the answer.
Kevin will close us out with a discussion of HPT’s ideas for how earthquakes work. Moving plates don’t cause earthquakes‑-earthquakes cause plates to shift. Earthquakes likely have their origin deep in the highly fractured mantle. The mantle could well be experiencing a runaway cycle of fracturing, melting, and more fracturing, that could easily end up producing very large earthquakes, possibly the ones that Jesus spoke about as signs of the end times. We’ll learn HPT’s explanation for how and why earthquakes occur and whether they will ever be predicted. We’ll end with the words of Christ telling us not to fear, even if the mountains fall into the heart of the sea. The Lord reigns!